Elementary School Winner


Aydin Soner

Artist Statement

My artwork was done in color pencils and shows a young man reunited with his dad who was wrongly convicted, but spent many years imprisoned. New evidence showed that he didn’t commit the crime. His entire time in jail he was supported by the community and his son who advocated on his behalf.


Middle School Winner


Maria Felicity Tejada

Artist Statement

My artwork is inspired by the injustice of my country in terms of Education. In a very young age, I have seen and witnessed how unfair our community in dealing with others to avail of their education. I am a students of a government school and honestly I can feel how sad to think that we cant avail some of the most comprehensive facilities and materials for learning. I must say that some are still deprived of quality education. Like for example in our country government schools are still lack of support and space for disabled students such as the PWD’s person with disability some of them can’t attain degree because they were stuck out on their situation and no government funding can cater for them. Another one thing is the education for the teen mother. They were not given proper help and support to pursue their education. I have also incorporate some fields such as reading, arts and music education and even agriculture. These are the things that our government should take into consideration.

High School Winner


Skanda Ravindra

Artist Statement

My artwork tries to show the illumination that justice brings upon its people.

Allowing them to rise from the bondage of chains and smoke into leading a rightful and dignified life, to maintain this aspiration, justice is portrayed holding a scale with a blindfold, albeit with twist, it shows the people helping each other through the scales, indicating that justice alone is not enough to preserve its order but also requires continuing solidarity from its people.