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Columbia Legal Services is excited to announce the annual Imagine Justice Youth Art Celebration & Contest. We invite all youth, ages 5-21, to enter an original, 2-dimensional creation that reflects the theme My Community. My Home. – Highlighting the importance of safety, community, and belonging.

Entries will be reviewed by a panel of judges from the community and the winner of each age group will be awarded $500.

  • Elementary School (age 5-10)
  • Middle School (age 11-14)
  • High School + (age 15-21)

The contest is open to all youth ages 5-21, regardless of residency, school, or citizenship status. However, award checks are sent via U.S. postal mail and recipients must provide a mailing address within the Unites States to receive payment. We particularly welcome and encourage entries from youth who have been impacted by the systems of incarceration or immigration.

  • Each individual may enter up to three original pieces.
  • Art can be in any 2-D medium, such as pen, paint, pencil, embroidery, digital tools, etc.
  • Deadline for entry is Friday, May 23, 2025
  • Submission form must be filled out accurately and with contact information
  • Artwork may be featured in Columbia Legal Services materials, exhibits or other communications.
  • Any use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) must be disclosed in the artist statement. The use of AI does not disqualify the submission but will be taken into consideration when assessing the artwork’s originality and creativity.

Please submit your entries by completing the form below or message us through Facebook.

Columbia Legal Services:

  • Will credit artist, title, and year of entry for any reproduction or display of the entry.
  • Retains ownership of image files, copies and scans of all entries, and may copy, modify, distribute, and publicly display them.
  • May produce products such as posters, prints, t-shirts, notecards, etc. from winning entries.

If you have any questions please contact us at communications@columbialegal.org.

  Printable Flyers


Submission Form