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Columbia Legal Services is grateful to our major donor:

Legal Foundation of Washington

Columbia Legal Services (CLS) is also funded through generous grants and donations from the following:

  • Campion Foundation
  • Elder Law Section of the Washington State Bar Association
  • Seattle Foundation
  • Thomas V. Giddens Jr. Foundation
  • United Way
  • Anonymous

CLS does not charge its clients fees, as the clients are unable to pay attorneys fees. CLS sometimes receives attorneys fees in cases in which those fees by law are paid by opposing parties because CLS’s clients have won the case. Because we do not receive fees in most cases, we depend upon grants and donations to sustain our work.    

Your contribution helps support our work toward a more equitable system where everyone enjoys full human rights and economic opportunity. If you’re an attorney in Washington State, you can support our work by donating to the Campaign for Equal Justice, our state’s annual giving drive sponsoring the work of CLS and our partners in the Alliance for Equal Justice.

You can also help Columbia Legal Services achieve its vision of social and economic justice for all by making a direct contribution to CLS.