Please join us to Imagine Justice with Dr. Paul Ortiz!
Imagine Justice Week Virtual Keynote Address
With Dr. Paul Ortiz
September 20, 12pm-1pm
Zoom Webinar
Author and historian Paul Ortiz will discuss the interconnected histories of African American and Latinx struggles for liberation, which live on today in resistance to labor exploitation and mass incarceration. Dr. Ortiz is a professor of history at the University of Florida, a veteran, a former organizer with the United Farm Workers, and author of An African American & Latinx History of the United States.
In a time and place when telling the truth about history is under attack, Dr. Ortiz speaks, writes, and teaches truth to power. His body of work covers a rich history of movements for freedom from exploitation and speaks directly to why CLS fights today alongside immigrant farm workers and people who have been incarcerated.
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