Unfortunately, we had to cancel our annual in-person and largest fundraiser of the year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. This fall, we are creating a new engagement opportunity for all who care about shining a light on the darkest corners of injustice. We’re re-imagining Imagine Justice, our annual fundraiser, as a virtual event bringing together our supporters, client community allies, and new friends.
While we will miss seeing you in person, we’re planning a dynamic and inspiring virtual experience where you can learn more about our advocacy in support of communities most impacted during this pandemic – and hear directly from people living in jails and prisons across Washington state and the essential farm workers who continue putting fresh food on our tables.
– WHAT –
Imagine Justice
– WHEN –
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
From the comfort of your home (via YouTube Livestream)!
– WHY –
To support Columbia Legal Services and help us ensure that everyone is included in our collective response to the COVID-19 crisis
In the coming days, we’ll share with you more information about Imagine Justice and how to register. For now, please mark October 14 on your calendar and plan to join us!
Thank you,
Annabell Joya
Engagement & Resource Manager
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