? GiveBIG today to help us reach our goal!

? GiveBIG today to help us reach our goal!

DONATE Please join us today to GiveBIG and help us reach our goal of $10,000. We partner with and support communities impacted by the systems that cause and perpetuate mass incarceration and the criminalization of immigration. We advocate to transform these systems to...
We’re walking the talk toward transformation

We’re walking the talk toward transformation

I am often asked how do you change the culture of an organization? I do not know the answer. I have only my experience of being part of an organization that is committed to transforming from a traditional law firm model to one that is focused on anti-racism, community...
GiveBIG toward a radically different future

GiveBIG toward a radically different future

As difficult as this past year has been, it has also helped to expose deeply entrenched racist structures that undergird our society. These truths are not new to many of us; we experience them every day. Yet uncovering these truths creates new opportunities for...