Discover more about our recent advocacy and the communities we fight for through our latest blog posts and media releases.
Renteria v. Stemilt AG Services LLC – Aviso de Clase
Más de diez mil trabajadores agrícolas recibieron la notificación de que son elegibles para las indemnizaciones del acuerdo de Stemilt AG Services como miembros del grupo representado por Servicios Legales Columbia y Frank Freed Subit & Thomas LLP.
Vaccine equity requires access, information, and trust
People living in DOC custody challenge Washington State to take common-sense measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our prisons and to save lives and we stood with them.
2021 Virtual Imagine Justice
Thank you for supporting and contributing to 2021 Imagine Justice! Let's continue to imagine how we can build a just and equitable future together.OVERVIEW For decades, Columbia Legal Services has represented communities facing...
Inspired by your support
Thank you for helping us reach our GiveBIG goal.
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Supreme Court Public Letter
Governor Inslee signs bill ending driver’s license suspensions for failing to pay a traffic ticket
Washington Governor Jay Inslee signed a bill yesterday that ends the harmful practice of suspending driver’s licenses simply due to a failure to pay a traffic infraction. Prior to passage of Senate Bill (SB) 5226, Washington drivers would have their licenses suspended...
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioners’ Mot. for Discretionary Review
Individuals Living in DOC Custody Ask the WA Supreme Court to Accept Case Seeking Immediate Access to COVID-19 Vaccine
Conditions lawsuit alleges DOC’s pandemic response violates constitutional duty to protect people in custody
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Motion for Discretionary Review
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Statement of Grounds
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Please join us today to GiveBIG and help us reach our goal of $10,000.
We’re walking the talk toward transformation
As we moved our advocacy towards race equity, we also had to examine ourselves and make changes internally.