Discover more about our recent advocacy and the communities we fight for through our latest blog posts and media releases.
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Motion for Preliminary Injunction
Litigation FAQ: Rush v. DOC
A list of general questions for people in DOC custody, and their family, discussing Columbia Legal Services’ recently filed lawsuit.
Honoring our Farm Workers
Today we celebrate César Chávez Day.
Lawsuit Demands Immediate Access to COVID-19 Vaccine for All Individuals Living in DOC Custody
Suit also demands creation of plans to provide accurate information about the vaccine and protect individuals from correctional staff who refuse to be vaccinated.
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Motion for Class Certification
Rush v. WA State Dept of Corrections – Complaint
Demanding the Department of Health and Department of Corrections (DOC) take all necessary steps to protect the vulnerable people who are living in our state correctional facilities by immediately making the COVID-19 vaccine available to all people in DOC custody.
Call to Action: Support SB 5355
SB 5355: Establishing wage liens March 23rd @ 10am in the House Committee on Labor and Workplace Standards Wage theft disproportionately impacts immigrant workers, many of whom have language barriers and who are unlikely to take extra risks for fear of retaliation....
Response Letter re COVID Vaccine in DOC
Response to Columbia Legal Services demand letter from WA Department of Health and WA Department of Corrections.
Covid-19 Vaccine for People Inside DOC Facilities
Immediate access to the vaccine is critical to protecting the people in DOC custody, but simply allocating the required number of doses will not be sufficient.
Washington Supreme Court to Hear Oral Argument March 16 in Case Concerning Seattle’s Practice of Impounding Vehicles Used as Homes
Oral Argument on March 16 – First opportunity for the Court to rule on a City’s actions relating to people living in vehicles.
Easing the burden of legal debt
Bill that will not be moving forward this session but would have provided low-income Washington residents with new and necessary opportunities to seek relief from legal financial obligations (LFOs).
Demand Letter re COVID Vaccine in DOC
Letter to Governor Inslee, Secretary Shah, and Secretary Sinclair regarding our ongoing concern for the health and safety of individuals in the custody of the Department of Corrections in light of the continuing pandemic.