Discover more about our recent advocacy and the communities we fight for through our latest blog posts and media releases.
Federal Court Tosses Out Flawed Wage Survey That Would Have Drastically Reduced Crucial Harvest Wages for Farm Workers
Federal Court Tosses Out Flawed Wage Survey That Would Have Reduced Farm Worker Wages
Agencia Federal presentará cargos contra un agricultor del centro de Washington Por interferir ilegalmente en los esfuerzos de unión durante la pandemia
El Estado no actúa para proteger a los trabajadores del empaque agrícola
Un tribunal federal rechazó una encuesta salarial defectuosa que hubiera reducido drásticamente los salarios cruciales de la cosecha para los trabajadores agrícolas
La defectuosa metodología de la encuesta podría reducir los salarios en el nivel de pobreza por un 30% adicional
Federal Agency to Pursue Charges Against Central Washington Grower For Illegally Interfering in Unionization Efforts during Pandemic
National Labor Review Board schedules hearing over worker efforts to unionize at Allan Bros.
Torres v. Department of Labor – Order Granting Preliminary Injunction
Final week of Black History Month
As we are nearing the end of Black History Month, I think of the past, present and future. Growing up, Black History Month was not something we celebrated or even talked about in my mostly all white elementary school. My son, on the other hand, is learning about the...
Coronavirus: Benefits Information for People without Immigration Status
Benefits guide for people without immigration status during COVID-19 pandemic.
Coronavirus: Información sobre las prestaciones de asistencia pública para personas sin estatus migratorio
****Tenga en cuenta que esta será la última actualización de la guía de recursos.**** Última actualización: 22 de agosto del 2023 In English Información incluida: Atención Médica Empleo Vivienda Asistencia Pública Asistencia General Asistencia Legal Usted no tiene un...
ENGLISH – Coronavirus: Benefits Information for People without Immigration Status
Updated: May 3, 2022. Breakdown of benefits information for people without immigration status.
Act Now: Support SHB1412
Show your support before today’s, February 19th, hearing at 1:30pm.
CALL TO ACTION: Support SHB 1412 & SHB 1282
Two of these priority bills need additional support to get out of fiscal committee and onto the House floor.
Call to Action: Support HB 1344 & HB 1413
HB 1344: Second Chances for People Incarcerated as Young Adults February 9th @ 8am in the Public Safety Committee HB 1344 allows anyone given a 15+ year sentence before the age of 25 to go before the parole board. This change would bring Washington State in line with...