Jackson et al v. King County – Class Notice

Jackson et al v. King County – Class Notice

On August 10, 2021, a court granted preliminary approval of a class action settlement seeking to provide monetary compensation for some people who were held in solitary confinement in King County’s adult jails as children or young adults. The settlement provides $500...
Imagine Justice Registration opens 9/15 🎉

Imagine Justice Registration opens 9/15 🎉

Virtual Imagine Justice is fast approaching. We hope you’ll accompany us virtually for a fun and inspirational evening on Thursday, October 14 at 5:30 PM with registration beginning next week on September 15. Join us for an evening of camaraderie, community stories,...
Join us September 8th for a virtual town hall

Join us September 8th for a virtual town hall

People in Washington should have a fair chance to rebuild their lives. They shouldn’t be denied because they can’t afford to pay off court debts. Please join us on Wednesday, September 8 at 5 pm for a community conversation on how legislative advocacy can continue to...