Smiling farm worker picking apples.

2025 Legislative Session

Our legislative priorities aim to advance social, economic, and racial equity for people living in poverty.
TimelineUpdates & Resources


Columbia Legal Services is a non-profit civil legal aid organization dedicated to advancing social, economic, and racial equity for people living in poverty across Washington state. By providing legal assistance, including class actions and policy advocacy, we serve individuals who face barriers to federally funded legal services due to government restrictions. Guided by principles of justice, dignity, and inclusivity, we supports legislation that challenges punitive policies and promotes fair treatment for all individuals, regardless of their circumstances.

Our priorities for the 2025 state legislative session include:

  • Fighting for free communications between people in prison and their families.
  • Protecting the rights of people who shelter in their vehicles.
  • Supporting immigrant equity in state programs.


Important Session Dates

Cutoff dates are tentative, and must be approved by both the Senate and House of Representatives.

January 13

February 21

March 12

April 2

April 16

April 27

First Day of Session

Lawmakers begin meetings and committee work, considering proposed bills that will impact Washington’s laws on a variety of issues.

Last day to advance bills out of policy committees

Policy committees have until today to decide which bills will advance this sessionBills with fiscal impacts will then have to be voted out of fiscal committees by February 28.

Last day to pass bills out of their house of origin (House or Senate)

If they do pass out of their house of origin, bills will then be considered by the other legislative body (House or Senate).

Last day to pass bills out of committees in opposite chamber

The committees considering bills received from the opposite chamber have until today to decide which bills will continue to advance. Bills with fiscal impacts will then have be voted out of fiscal committees by April 8.

Last Chance

Policy bills must pass out of the opposite chamber by today at 5pm.

Sine Die

Last day allowed for regular session under the state constitution.